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1991 SAAB 900 Donated to NWPB

Today’s donor story features a 1991 SAAB 900 Turbo that was graciously donated to Northwest Public Radio through the Car Talk Vehicle Donation Program. By donating your vehicle to NWPB, you are supporting their ability to provide people throughout the Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia area with trusted news information and entertainment sources.

The donor selected her first car after falling in love with the thrill of her father’s black SAAB 900 Turbo, better known as the “Batmobile”. As her sixteenth birthday came around the corner, she knew that a SAAB 900 Turbo was the right choice for her- it was love at first sight. Despite having an older car than most of her peers, she proudly showed off her ’91 pride and joy. The donor’s then boyfriend, and now husband, was even influenced to buy his own SAAB. After good use, her boyfriend gave his car up to a friend that fixes up old Saabs and upgraded to a newer car. As for the donor, her SAAB remained in the family and was passed on to her younger sister and brother who shared the same love for the vehicle.

The separation of our SAABs included no less than tears and a photo shoot. My SAAB was passed on to my younger brother and sister, and they loved it with as much certainty and vigor as I did. The summer my husband and I got married, my sister got rear ended in our SAAB. We contacted our friend, and used parts (including the hatch door) from my husband’s old SAAB to repair ours- Despite his car being white and ours beige. It felt oddly symbolic that at the time that Blake was marrying me, a piece of his old SAAB was getting welded onto our family’s SAAB.

The SAAB saw all three of us siblings through our high school and college days, and was often the reliable back up car when our newer cars were in the shop. Driving the SAAB has always felt like coming home -with its gassy/oily smell, loud purring engine, and responsive turbo. I know that none of us will ever have a car quite like it again. As the years have worn on, the SAAB has been showing its age and is no longer being driven, but it is still oddly comforting and sentimental even just to sit in it while parked in my driveway. It is with heavy hearts that we have all reluctantly agreed that the time has come to say goodbye to our beloved, trusty SAAB. It has run a good life and will be forever cherished by us all.

Donating Your Car to a Local Public Radio Station

Through the Car Talk Vehicle Donation Program, you can easily donate your vehicle to your local NPR station. To donate your vehicle, all you have to do is provide information about yourself and your car. Then, a local tow agent car talkwill contact you to arrange a vehicle pickup time most convenient for you. Your car will be sold and 70-80% of the gross proceeds will be returned to your selected NPR station. The Car Talk Vehicle Donation Program can proudly say that they have the lowest operating costs than any other program, meaning your local public radio station will receive more money through this program than any other vehicle donation service! Donations are the primary source of radio stations funding, so your car donation will make a difference!

Donate a car to your favorite public radio by going online or give us a call at 1-877-215-0227. 

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