International Day of Families

International Day of Families

Every year, the 15th of May marks the International Day of Families. This observation, declared by the United Nations, brings awareness to the role of families in development across the world. The family is the basic unit of society, and the International Day of...
A Cure for Mother’s Day

A Cure for Mother’s Day

Guest Contributor: Codi Medieros A woman, but not just any woman. The woman that watched you take your very first steps and picked you back up after every fall. She drove you to every tryout, practice and rushed to make sure you were on time for that game..standing on...
1990 Citroen Donated to WVTF

1990 Citroen Donated to WVTF

Most of the vehicles donated to our charities are common cars you’d expect to see in parking lots across the country. This particular car is rarely seen on this side of the Atlantic! This model used to drive the President of France, and now is driving Public Radio!...
March For Babies

March For Babies

A windy and overcast Saturday brought hundreds together for an amazing cause: the March for Babies! This year’s March for Babies was not going to be rained on. Advanced Remarketing team members gathered together and raised over $2,000, doubling our goal and making a...