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World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day commemorates a terrorist attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad on August 19, 2003. In 2008, the General Assembly marked August 19 as an annual remembrance.

The day is a celebration for the aid workers around the world. These brave people put their lives on the line to support their fellow humans.

This year’s campaign is #NotATarget. Armed conflict doesn’t just affect soldiers. Entire countries and regions bear the social, physical, and environmental burden.

Who is #NotATarget? Civilians, for one, as well as aid workers. This hashtag brings attention to civilians hurt by war and humanitarians who bring aid. Because these activists are directly helping civilians, they risk becoming targets.

Below, watch the UN Secretary-General António Guterres explain the reason for this year’s focus:

In honor of World Humanitarian Day, consider donating your vehicle, boat, RV, or motorcycle to UNICEF USA. Help support the UN and their humanitarian efforts.